Tulsa Legal Separation Attorney
Giving You and Your Spouse the Break You Need
Legal separation gives couples a chance to enjoy some distance from their spouse while they contemplate the next steps of their relationship. Whether the separation ends in a resolution or dissolution of the marriage, the split can have significant legal impacts that both partners must be aware of.
Contact David C. Fisher Law Group, PLLC for help beginning the legal separation process today.
What Is a Legal Separation?
A couple separates when they decide to live in separate residences. It is not the same as divorce, as it does not end a marriage. However, it can still offer spouses a chance to get the space and time they need to decide whether to rebuild the crumbling foundation of their relationship or pursue divorce.
Couples may choose to informally separate, wherein they make no mention of their split to the court. Alternatively, the pair may file a petition for legal separation, which is recognized by the court and could affect future court orders.
Separation Orders
After granting a legal separation, a judge will give separation orders. A legal separation order can address:
- Child support
- Child custody
- Visitation
- Alimony
- Debt division
- Marital property division
Alternatively, a couple could choose to negotiate their own agreement with the help of a mediator. This agreement can then be presented to the judge and, if deemed fair, be accepted and enacted.
David C. Fisher Law Group, PLLC can help you decide if legal separation is right for you. Call us today to review your case: (918) 201-1062.