Collaborative Lawyer in Tulsa
Courtroom Alternatives with Unique Advantages
Gone are the days when couples had to endure lengthy, expensive court appearances to handle their disputes, only to be offered a limited range of solutions. Luckily, couples can now avoid the hassle of traditional courtroom procedures by opting for a collaborative law approach to resolve their points of contention.
Collaborative law brings both parties together to work towards a mutually agreeable and legally enforceable solution. Trust David C. Fisher Law Firm, PLLC to represent and protect your best interest through your collaborative resolution.
David C. Fisher Law Firm, PLLC can help you pursue a respectful and amicable dispute resolution. Call us today at (918) 201-1062to learn more.
Collaborative Law Basics
has experience using collaborative law to help Tulsa families reach an agreement in a variety of cases including divorce, child custody, and division of asset. Collaborative law adheres to these basic standards of conduct:
- Each party has their own lawyer who is actively participating in the negotiations on behalf of their client
- It takes place independently from the court
- Lawyers and clients sign to confirm that no threats are made during the process
- Lawyers are “fired” if the case moves to litigation, meaning neither are allowed to represent their respective client in court
- Lawyers cannot participate in litigation against the other party after becoming a collaborative lawyer on the case
- The parties make good-faith efforts to negotiate
Throughout the process, the lawyers are advocates for their clients, rather than neutral discussion facilitators.
What Is the Difference Between Collaborative Divorce and Mediation?
Though both are alternative dispute resolution methods, collaborative divorce maintains some key differences from mediated divorce, such as:
- Each spouse is represented by their own attorneys, whereas a mediation is facilitated by one neutral third-party mediator
- Both attorneys must withdraw from the case if it fails
- Collaborative divorce happens over several meetings, often inviting other professionals to handle and weigh in on matters
Overall, collaborative law offers a rich mix of professional input and consideration for children and post-divorce relationships. It presents grounds for creative solutions catered to the needs and abilities of both parties. Best of all, it can resolve your dispute and allow you to keep moving forward.
Learn more about our collaborative law services by contacting David C. Fisher Law Firm, PLLConline or calling us at (918) 201-1062.