Tulsa Arbitration Attorney
What Are the Advantages of Arbitration in Oklahoma?
When unable to reach an independent solution, though still unenthusiastic about the prospect of attending court, a pair may choose to have their case arbitrated.
Individuals can enjoy the following advantages by seeking the help of an arbitrator:
- Arbitration happens in a private office, with the parties having control over what information enters the public record
- Arbitrators are able to handle your case sooner and more efficiently than courts, as they are typically juggling less cases
- Arbitration is a cheaper alternative to litigation
- You have the ability to work with someone focused specifically on family law matters, allowing for deeper insight regarding the case at hand
At David C. Fisher Law Firm, PLLC, we are devoted to helping you reach a resolution efficiently as possible so that you can put the matter behind you and look towards the future.
Call David C. Fisher Law Firm, PLLC at (918) 201-1062to discuss your caseand learn how arbitration can help you reach a resolution.
The Shortcomings of Arbitration
An arbitrator can help couples make child custodydecisions but cannot make them legally binding. The couple must still present the agreement to a judge to have it accepted by the court.
Arbitration Versus Mediation
In arbitration, a couple agrees upon one arbitrator who will ultimately make a decision on a case. In mediation, however, the mediator works as a neutral third party to facilitate productive conversations. Mediators simply lead the couple towards a resolution without having any authority to make a final decision, like arbitrators do.
A Court-Free Approach to Resolving Your Legal Dispute
Arbitration is an attractive solution for those averse to the costs and time required of standard litigation. This alternative dispute resolution practice rids the necessity of going in front of a judge to settle your disagreement. Rather, you can elect to have an arbitrator hear your case and offer a legally binding final decision on the matter.
At , we can apply our extensive knowledge and experience in family law to your case. This unique opportunity to entrust your case to a family lawyer aware of the specificities involved in the practice, rather than a judge with a broad knowledge of all facets of law, can offer you the peace of mind of knowing that your case is in the hands of someone who truly understands what’s at stake.
Avoid court without surrendering the benefit of having a legal professional involved in the resolution of your case. Contact David C. Fisher Law Firm, PLLCfor more information.